Thursday, April 29, 2010


Yesterday's defeat of FC Barcelona has made me think (which is something...) about how sometimes in music we just ignore those songs which are not "winners" Let me explain myself: if you're familiar with spanish radio stations, you probably know about M80 or Kiss FM, mainly oriented to the classics from 70's 80's and 90's. Well, this is true, but are they actually playing classics or just some classics? to be more precise: a very limited number of classics which after listening to them over and over again, become unbearable mainstream songs: yes, how can you enjoy "with or without you" by U2 when it has been played 3 times in 3 hours of listening? not a very different feeling than listening to any Lady Gaga song...(maybe it's too much of an assumption that you all don't like Lady Gaga, actually my brother does like her(?)).

Anyhow, today's song is an hommage to these songs which have had the misfortune to be released in the same album of a superhit...those songs that will never see the light in radio stations which play "classics from all times" .

This B-log is today for those B-songs, actually two, listen to them here because you will never listen to them anywhere else. B-lieve me.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Why a blog? Why now?

This blog is about songs and a daily life soundtrack which will be random and diverse. I don't expect you to follow my adventures or if I am out of time to read the 100 pages my marketing or finance classes, or if my workmates don't understand me...This blog is an experiment, although the music contained is not, and for me this is the important thing about this blog. I don't pretend to teach or impress or play easy roles of "today I feel blue and I am uploading this or that song..." no, it's not about that, as the name of this blog, by the way not at all original but taken from the album Transient Random Noise Burst with Announcements, by Stereolab, one of my favourite bands (I've just revealed today's group) this blog is random explosion of songs, probably linked to a thought (probably superficial) about something happened to me (or to you) during the day

I have never published any blog or any web before in my life, and to tell you the truth I may have continued like this if I wouldn't have been "forced" to do it this morning...

For those who don´t know it, I am currently studying (yes, studying again after...when was that? 2002 when I finished my Masters in Architecture, my goodness, I'm getting old...), I am studying an MBA program at IE Business School , and what has this to do with writing a blog? Well, a have a subject called Information systems, whose professor, Enrique Dans encouraged us in a very enthusiastic way to start our own blog, so me, traditionally obedient with profs after 12 years at HH. Maristas School....BORING!!...nobody cares about where i studied (at least me I would never waste time knowing where an acquaintance studied...) I said i was going to upload a song many days as possible, and this song is for you, anonymous reader, random, transient...bursting sometimes.

The night outside my balcony looks better go out and grab some beers and f*ck the crisis (yes, in Spain we still speak about that, actually today we just reached 20% unemployment...) No, seriously, go for that beer, It can be even worst!

Stereolab - Ping pong (Mars Audiac Quintet, 1994)

And the 2x1 promotional campaign of this blog:

Stereolab - Miss Modular (Dots and loops, 1997)