I have been in Dubai no less than 12 times, either for business purposes or for leisure escaping from time to time from the boredom of Kuwait and to be able to have a glass of wine while having dinner. For those who don´t know it, alcohol is not legal in Kuwait.
A blog about daily thoughts and songs which will build a soundtrack throughout the days, weeks and months of my year back in Madrid after living in the Middle East. This blog is just a wide range of topics and songs which become relevant enough(for me) as to be published. Enjoy it!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Dubai 1990-2010: how to build an evil paradise
I have been in Dubai no less than 12 times, either for business purposes or for leisure escaping from time to time from the boredom of Kuwait and to be able to have a glass of wine while having dinner. For those who don´t know it, alcohol is not legal in Kuwait.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
XIXth century retail in the heart of Madrid or the lack of (interest for) innovation in Spain
Very close to Plaza Mayor some business are still devoted to the traditional needs of the population of the city since the past centuries.
Nowadays people still buy textiles or fabrics for curtains, sofas, or simple cotton string to tailor anything, and this particular area in the very heart of the city is ideal to find all this items and more, linked to traditional straw hats or baskets. It has been like this for centuries and apparently in the era of Ikea there's still a demand for this stores in the best retail locations in Madrid...
So far so good, I pass by some of these stores almost everyday when I leave / go back home but I have never stepped in, simply because I don't need any of the things they sell in there...until last week when I decided to get in not one but two of them to look for a specific item.
The outcome couldn't have been more depressing but it was also a travel-in-time experience...
As soon as I stepped in, a million square meter of fabrics rolled and spread randomly all over the poorly illuminated place, which by the way appeared to be a nice interior if one could be able to remove the rotten and falling paint of the wall. No less than 3 people waiting to the hours to go by behind the counter, not even asking me what I wanted or how could they help me. I asked for the price/sqm of one of the fabrics that I liked, which I find by moving by myself a pile of other rolls of fabrics. A bored fifty-something employee looking offended for me daring to interrupt his boredom, answers to me and starts cutting the dimensions I asked him to cut.
While he was doing so, some thoughts came to my mind and they are the core idea of this post:
First of all, I have nothing against these traditional business, but I can't skip the fact that some of the prime locations of the most expensive city in Spain are occupied by business that have been equally run for ages, no matter how the customers have evolved in their behavior or the changing needs of the people even within an specific sector like the textile industry...and for me that's not just an anecdote but another sign of the lack of innovation of a part of the small industry in Spain.
I was asking the employee when was this store open, and he came to say that almost a century although before there was a similar store run by another family. Something must they have done right during all these years, I thought...but I also thought that such an inertia had also a pernicious effect...who will dare to change something that has more or less (definitely not with flamboyant outcomes) worked for 100 Years? My Spanish readers surely know this: "virgencita que me quede como estoy" (Virgin Mary, let me remain as I am now). Well, this is a very paradigmatic sentence that represents pretty well the lack of flexibility/ambition/interest for challenge that characterizes Spaniards sometimes...
I am not saying that these business should be closed down, but I am sure there are ways to adapt them to the needs of the new population of the neighborhood: young people, tourist (a relatively new phenomena) and, specially, make an attractive layout that invites people to step in these stores, not in a fashion or top end design way, I don't mean that, but at least in a way that facilitates people to find things, choose what they want easily and feel they're welcome to enter rather than a necessary inconvenient.
I may be asking too much, and the critic to this post is very obvious: I'm no one to blame the structure of the business, I don't know the industry...so no recommendations today, but I am afraid that one day there will be a Bershka or Starbucks or H&M in a wonderfully located place where a nice textiles shop with colorful samples and also complements for home and decoration and great personnel in an inviting environment to step in and buy could have continued to exist...
Today´s song is posted just to celebrate that I have tickets to watch MGMT playing live in Madrid in December...
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
A biased solution for the Spanish crisis
Everybody talks about it but nobody seems to find it: I would like to share the (my) solution for the big, enormous, financial crisis we are suffering in Spain nowadays, and I am going to share it with you, basically because the solution maybe affects to you too.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Stars and how to be cyberstalked on Foursquare...the old debate about privacy or exposure
Almost at the same time, I made another discovery almost as important as that, at least in this side of the universe: It is in this article in The Guardian about how easily you can be cyberstalked on Foursquare...scary!? For those who are not familiar with this social network, Foursquare allows you to "check in" in every place you go in your city, and getting some discounts by checking in hence visiting certain places, generally restaurants, cafes or bars. The thing is that the social network is made to let your friends know where you are and let you know where they are as well, but...what happens when you also have among your so called friends people who aren't, or are just acquintances? The writer of the article, Shea Sylvia, a frequent blogger and twitter user explains how she received a misterious call when she was in a restaurant from someone called Brian, who resulted to be also at that moment in that restaurant. of course Shea was scared to death and Brian never showed up, but that made her realized how expose we all are (me included, it's just that i don't have stalkers so far...) but actually...do we care?
We all have probably be involved in esterile debates about privacy admitting how easy is for anyone to know about you and how dangerous it is, but, are we restricting our comments on Facebook yelling we are here or there? The answer is no. Maybe we all need a stalker at a certain point to change some habits, but even with that, and as Shea says, in the long term we are not going to change our level of involvement in on-line communities whatsoever!
However, i would like to respectfully recommend Shea -and to you too dear readers- to think it twice when you click on "accept as a friend", at the end it is in your hands to open your data to whoever you want, it's needless to say that privacy options on Facebook are there for a reason and if you guys don't use them is because you just don't care...!
This is a song's blog, and these are today's picks: Miranda! is an Argentinian band almost unknown in Spain but very succesful across the ocean, and "Enamorada" with a very catchy melody that keeps lingers in my head and just pops out of it from time to time. Yo La Tengo's Autumn Sweater is (or should be) a classic of 20th century (of course i am biased, specially since i saw them again live in Madrid a few months ago for the second time 12 years after the first time - in the FIB 1998-)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Summer and Los Directivos
Finally writing again after some weeks of intellectual holidays, and after having seen Spain win the World Cup. This weekend is being the B-day parties weekend, seeing some people i haven't seen since 2008 when i went to live to Kuwait. By the way, people say it's a very hot summer, I shouldn't complain about this weather, my friends in Kuwait are struggling now with temperatures of...41º....during the night! 54º during day hours.
Friday, June 18, 2010
In 2002 a meeting with Planeta, editorial owner of Casa Del libro, took place. in that meeting the board had to decide between two possibilities: To stick to the previously developed UNIX platform, or switch to a new Microsoft platform...In today's post i am going to shine a light on the following questions:
For the first question, I would have decided to shift for the new Microsoft platform. A hint of what should have been done can be found next 15th July when Libranda, the largest spanish platform for on-line books will be launched, containing (only) 2,000 books from the editorials Planeta, Random House Mondadori, Santillana, Roca Editorial, Grup62, SM, y Wolters Kluwer.
Libranda's web in its beta version describes (in spanish) its function:
"LIBRANDA es una plataforma que ofrece servicios auxiliares para la comercialización de contenidos digitales y para la promoción de los mismos. LIBRANDA actúa como un operador logístico que presta servicios de almacenaje y distribución digital a las editoriales y a las tiendas on-line. Su principal objetivo es poner a disposición de las tiendas on-line el contenido digital de las editoriales con las que trabaja. Paralelamente, y con el fin de aportar valor tanto a las editoriales como a las tiendas on-line con las que colabora, LIBRANDA ofrece herramientas de marketing digital para la promoción y la difusión de sus contenidos. El modelo de negocio de LIBRANDA permite respetar la cadena de valor del libro, promoviendo la labor cultural de los autores y agentes, de los editores y de los canales de venta del libro. En este sentido, LIBRANDA no vende directamente al público final. La labor de venta la desarrollan las tiendas on-line".
2. Which are the most relevant criteria for you to make the decision? Name each criterion and explain it very briefly.My answer for the second question once I have decided that it would be more convenient to shift to the new Microsoft platform, based on the same ideas that LIBRANDA expect to accomplish in order to succeed (extracted from publishing perspectives and summarized the most important aspects below) in the on-line books market:
- Availability: Libranda's services are offered through 21 online stores and it is important to note that the ebooks will not be sold directly to end customers from this platform, Libranda is targeted at bookshops, who will in turn sell to consumers.
- Price settings open: All decisions about release timing and pricing, as well as negotiations with retailers on terms and discounting, are left up to individual publishers, which enables to each seller to develop a more competitive price strategy.
- Competitive advantage in prices: For me, the most important competitive advantage of having a new and strong platform is that the average e-book from Libranda will cost 20-30% below the print book price (about 6 euros for paperbacks and 11-14 euros for hardcovers).
- Growing number of e-books: Although the initial number of 2,000 e-books available at launch seems small, Libranda hopes to grow the number of titles to 8-10,000 by year’s end.
- Large number of downloads: The number of downloads is not limited to one file, but up to 12 devices: 6 desktop and 6 mobile files protected with Adobe ACS4 DRM that a. Individual publishers can put a lower limit on the number downloads if they choose. All files will reside in Libranda’s digital warehouse and will be sold exclusively through their online retail partners.
- Possible agreement with Tech Giants: In a future second phase the platform plans to negotiate agreements to offer their e-books through tech giants Apple, Amazon and Google (though publishers will have to kick in an extra 2% for this service), and will also contemplate different models including subscription, streaming and lending.
- Potential expansion to Latin America's market: Also in the cards for the immediate future is expansion of the platform into the rest of the Spanish-speaking world, planned for early 2011. Libranda is negotiating with publishers in Latin America and hopes to work with local online retailers and booksellers (some of which have a more mature market and established customer base than their counterparts in Spain).
- Possible VAT reduction to equalize with physical books:The VAT is stuck at 18% for any book without a physical component, though the Spanish government has promised the publishers it will fight in Brussels to convince EU regulators to reduce the rate for e-books to the same preferential 4% enjoyed in Spain by paper books.
- Space for smaller booksellers: Libranda will offer marketing tools like widgets and samples, though it’s up to publishers whether or how they will use these. The platform will also create white pages for booksellers who don’t have their own retail website set up.
- New Website — http://www.libranda.com — will allow readers to search for available titles but to purchase e-books they will have to go to one of the participating online stores. Publishers using the platform will be able to use the website to manage their catalog of titles, upload new books, and access sales figures.
- Break even in about 5 years: 2 million euros have been raised to set up the platform and request exclusive digital distribution rights from all participating publishers, though with some flexibility. Planeta’s Badenes admitted that the platform expects to lose money in the beginning and likely won’t turn a profit for the first five years.
All the above presents a favorable scenario and could have been applicable to the case in 2002, and probably without the pessimistic expectations that surrounds every new venture nowadays in Spain.Brit sound for today's songs! "Michael Caine" by Madness has been my favorite song of the band, and "Something for the weekend" by Super Furry Animals is one of the songs that kept my attention for brit pop music in 1995 when this style was in his highest peak. Enjoy them!
TESCO to what extent do they enjoy an IT generated advantage? Where does it come from?
However, today's topic is: TESCO: to what extent do they enjoy an IT generated advantage? Where does it come from?
First of all: What is TESCO? TESCO is the largest supermarket chain in UK, and the second largest company in the food and drugs stories' industry in the world after Carrefour. it was founded in 1919 and is now present in 14 countries with 2,329 stores outside UK, and 2,329 stores only in UK.
TESCO has been characterized by being a value-for-money retailer since their commencements, which has been translated into different formulas to engage the customer and gain its loyalty: From the Green-shield stamps (every purchase you get a stamp and after several stamps you get cash or a gift) to the Club Card, with which the customers could accumulate points, convertible into vouchers, for every £5 that the customer expend for purchases exceeding £10. The importance of the Club Card as a way to collect data about TESCO's customers is crucial for the success of the company and created a trend among the mayor supermarkets and retailers worldwide, and it helps to understand my conclusions for the question at the end of this post.
Since March 2006, TESCO is undertaking a IT standardisation in order to prepare the path for a global expansion. Business processes and systems used for in-store planning in the UK have been chosen by Tesco executives as part of the global standardisation programme.
TESCO has developed an operational model - a set of processes and technologies that is going to be used in its business around the world. For IT this involves four main areas: planning and architecture, development of systems, deploying systems, and operation and support of IT, as the Tesco group IT director Colin Cobain said, "Technology is an important part of the international growth strategy. What we want to do is create a common suite of processes and systems that we can use in all of our countries." This common suite of processes are integrated in what has been defined as "Tesco in a Box" . Philip A Greenwood, Head of IT Development and Support at Tesco defines it the following way: "We are now in the process of implementing a set of applications that include retail ERP (Retek), Teradata Data Warehousing Solution, reporting tools from Business Objects, a human resource solution from PeopleSoft and a finance package from Oracle Financials. We want to integrate these new systems and maintain a common database at a central location in the UK. The integration exercise will be known as ‘Tesco in a box’.
But, can we say that the expansion and success of TESCO is due to a policy of high investment in IT when the retail sector has been historically not a big spender on technology?
What can be better for any retailer than knowing who, when and how its customers are purchasing their products? Hence, based on the experience of TESCO, it is fair to admit that a huge investment in IT is widely justified and has brought to the company a outstanding market position and revenues.
Monday, June 14, 2010
should companies be adapted to ERP or the other way round?
Today the crucial question is: Should companies be adapted to ERP or the other way round?
Maybe some of you don't know what an ERP is, but i am sure most of you have heard about SAP, or even dealt with it at your companies...
Let me, in first place, define what is an ERP: According to Wikipedia, "Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is an Integrated computer-based system used to manage internal and external resources including tangible assets, financial resources, materials, and human resources. It is a software architecture whose purpose is to facilitate the flow of information between all business functions inside the boundaries of the organization and manage the connections to outside stakeholders". Although this description gives more light about it:
What can ERP do for me?
As per my personal experience, I have worked in two companies with ERP systems...and in both cases the experience was painful because I had the chance to work by the time the ERP was renewed and updated or implemented for the first time...so i am biased when i am asked if the company should adapt to the ERP or vice verse: I truly think the ERP should be adapted to the company needs, but I am also aware that the fact that an organization has been working for decades (in my case, FCC Construcción) without any of these tools doesn't mean that there is nothing to improve in the organization of the company!
However, and specially for big corporations, my opinion is that an ERP must be adapted to the needs of the company in order to be fully efficient. If we take into consideration that a ERP has been designed by a limited group of people and for very different types of companies...how can we rely on this tool to manage a giant like, for instance, FCC (more than 60,000 employees).
The cost of a non-effective implementation or just a substantial delay in reaching a cruise speed in the use of the ERP is definitely much higher than an initial rethinking of the tool in order to adapt it to the reality of the Firm.
In order to provide a more detailed answer and to summarize this post, these are the steps that should be follow can be found in the image attached:
Detection of points if existing processes to be improved
Development of new processes
Development of ERP Information System
Incorporation of Logistics
Training of users
Pilot application
Delivery of ERP in full operation
Today's song is because we are not angels...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
What Dell should do? Me in Dell's shoes for the "Dell Hell' case.
Hmmm...in my last post i should have debated what would I do as Dell in the case of Jeff Jarvis, but actually i did it the other way round, putting myself in the shoes of Jeff, now I am DELL and this is what i would do:
(If you dear readers haven't got a clue about what i am talking about, read my last post or just the following lines where i explain the case of Jeff Jarvis and his war against Dell)
In 2005, a blogger called Jeff Jarvis posted in his blog Buzzmachine the purchase of a Dell laptop along with the most complete guarantee available for the item purchased. Right after receiving his laptop, it turned out to be a lemon: it didn't work, so he called to get the assistance he paid for, but they were unable to fix the problem at home and they had to take the laptop with them...this was just the beginning of the story: Dell service resulted to be completely incompetent to fix the problem, which was extended for months...and Jeff Jarvis started blogging about that: dozens, and then hundreds of comments in his blog transcended the blog sphere, and magazines like the Business Week started highlighting the case, the issue became so popular and powerful to the point that the stock price of Dell went significantly down when the news were spread in the magazines...
But, let's suppose for a second that I am a decision maker in Dell and i have to decide how to go about this guy that all of a sudden has mobilized the whole media against my company: what to do?
First of all, it is interesting to know what is actually Dell doing right now: did they learn from the experience? It seems they did: In a presentation by Lionel Menchaca, Chief Blogger at Dell in 2007, 2 years after the Dell Hell Case, the sensitivity towards the customers was definitely a core issue, as per the following conclusions (Taken from Customer Think and its blogger Mei Lin Fung) i have selected the most relevant for the case:
- Customers are in control. Work with them and learn from them.
- Address any form of dissatisfaction head on.
- Be aware that any conversation can become global at any time.
- Size doesn't matter—relevance does. Just as one journalist can trigger a newscycle, one blogger can do the same.
- Don't be afraid to apologize.
- Develop direct links to customer community (IdeaStorm for Dell), listen for how we can improve.
- One customer is part of many communities.
- Teamwork, transparency and frequent consistent communication are key in this new world.
- No shortcuts are possible. Implementing business change requires much effort across departments.
- Which leads to the new impetus at Dell to ... Engage our people to make it work
- Tools are important but people drive processes.
- Feedback digital media tools for email and chat, inside and outside of Dell, are becoming as vital as call data and traditional online support.
- Working globally means anticipating difficulties and always requires coordination with regional team members to adapt central core solutions to the local situation.
But what is not written above is the nature of these good intentions in what regards to Dell's customers: is Dell just reacting to save face or there is a true intention to offer a good customer service and avoid problems like that?
As I am the decision maker in Dell (CEO for a day...!) I would try to implement the above with a "customer service within a customer service". Means that a regular survey should be followed to include comments, failures, suggestions, improvings...proposed by Dell Customer Service's staff. What do I get with this? A service that takes himself seriously and believes in their nature: provide solutions for customers who believed in Dell as the right choice for their needs.
To conclude for the case of Jeff Jarvis, the actions to be taken would have been the following:
1) Detection of the unsatisfactory outcome of JJ's laptop by a survey team who is constantly tracking the web.
2) Analysis of the reports sent about the state of JJ laptop's fixing.
3) Once concluded the iterative failure of the laptop, immediate substitution or reimbursement to JJ.
4) Letter to apologize for the inconveniences.
5) Extended and free-of-charge guarantee for the new product in case JJ decides to accept the new Dell laptop.
6) Wrap up the story for further study in training new employees of the Customer service.
A few sentences that I have found that make so much sense to end the post:
In business you get what you want by giving other people what they want.
Customers don’t expect you to be perfect.
They do expect you to fix things when they go wrong.
Customer service is not a department, it's an attitude!
22 years before this mess, REM appeared for the first time on TV presenting "murmur", its first album. There was a time where Michael Stipes wasn't bold / shaved...
What would I do if i was Jeff Jarvis? "Dell Hell" case
In first place, let me brief you about the subject of this post:
In 2005, a blogger called Jeff Jarvis posted in his blog Buzzmachine the purchase of a Dell laptop along with the most complete guarantee available for the item purchased. Right after receiving his laptop, it turned out to be a lemon: it didn't work, so he called to get the assistance he paid for, but they were unable to fix the problem at home and they had to take the laptop with them...this was just the beginning of the story: Dell service resulted to be completely incompetent to fix the problem, which was extended for months...and Jeff Jarvis started blogging about that: dozens, and then hundreds of comments in his blog transcended the blog sphere, and magazines like the Business Week started highlighting the case, the issue became so popular and powerful to the point that the stock price of Dell went significantly down when the news were spread in the magazines...
But the question to be answered here is what would i do if i had the same problem?
In first place, and knowing what happened to Jeff Jarvis, what I would have clear is that...I don't want a Hell's Dell!! So as soon as I started realizing things are not going better, I would definitely try to get my money back and buy the new Ipad!! (Yeah, I've just disclose my next purchase...)
But let's suppose that I have gone through Jeff's nightmare and I have to decide what to do Well, I am not a prominent blogger and the repercussion of this blog is almost zero, so I think i would start a bunch of initiatives to make my case known:
1) Create a Facebook group to gather attention of those who sympathize with my problem or those who has already suffered it (with a little bit of luck Mr. Jeff Jarvis will also join the group!).
2) If the group becomes popular I can probably create a page and maybe make some money enough to purchase my desired Ipad and give away my Dell!
3) Forward the case to the Spanish consumer's association OCU and be patient...
4 and not very probable...) This is Spain, what really makes people or news popular is the social repercussion in certain TV programs like El Diario when people -generally with low class and even lower education- expose their problems: maybe i had a chance, but i really have to be desperate to do it!
Anyhow, I have one notebook and one laptop, both HP, It's not like they are perfect, but i am relatively satisfied with them, and if something happens I'm afraid that the guarantees are already expired...
Again, although there are some posts where the subject is actually requested by our professor of Information Systems, Enrique Dans , this intends to be a personal blog, and what i promised at least is to upload a song which i may, for one reason or another, be identified with...
The sweetest song ever by My Bloody Valentine, and then a Carlos Berlanga song from "Indicios" from 1994. Have a good day!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Facebook 2012 . We know who you are!
But, all the above mentioned can be more or less what many people would say about FB in two years, what can we expect beyond this? Maybe the most reliable source to know what's going to happen in the coming years is through Facebook prototypes where a number of new applications are shown...to be frank, none of them seem to be able to change the world, but improve existent applications...The business of the adds is also mentioned as a potential change in Facebook...
The facebook application for cell phones is probably the tool that will receive more attention in the coming years, every thing becomes mobile, and Facebook -as well as google- knows that nowadays being present in our iPhone or Blackberry is being present in our lives. In this regard, i truly hope that the application becomes more efficient for 2012 than it is now. At least for me, as a user, and not really worried about the privacy issues, that would be enough advance for the coming 2 years...
Before i finish for today, here's a funny video about the social network wars...
Today's song:
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Google Street View and Google Earth
Google Earth:
Google Earth is a Google program based on a idea of Michael Jones and produced by Keyhole Inc, company specialized in geospatial data visualization applications, but developed by Google and launched in 2005, which consists in a virtual earth globe where one can navigate throughout its surface. Google Earth provides with satellite images which are constantly updated offering a aerial view of the earth with different levels of definition depending on the importance the area.
Although it is in principle a program oriented to provide visual information, there are also derived educational uses, information about places, and a outstanding way to "travel" offering a view that only astronauts or a vivid imagination could provide us, with the Flight Simulator application
But Google Earth is also a business, and as described in the Google Earth Blog:
"There are already some businesses forming around the Google Earth application. Some are focusing on providing online resources to find unique places in the Google Earth data - for example: gearthhacks.com has an extensive online gallery of GoogleEarthPlaces. They are getting thousands of visits per day to their site. So far, their primary source of revenue is advertising space on their pages. Others are offering services to sell to businesses to provide Google Earth reference data to help customers find their products and services. A real Estate broker is offering information on homes through a large database through the Google Earth interface. Another company, called GlobeAssistant.com, is offering services to help businesses in the travel industry, real estate, and news services to use Google Earth to enhance their businesses. For example, they are selling a service to take recent news stories and present the location of the story through an RSS feed in Google Earth format".
Particularly interesting is the case of EarthPlot, a data analysis and visualization tool for Google Earth which allows you to draw and input data on Google Earth images, becoming a essential tool to implement the images for research purposes.
Conceptually, the launching of Google Earth was one of the most fascinating things that the digital era has offered to us, because it deals directly with the ancient (and modern) dream of the space travel flying along the continents of the human kind...as a dream, let's then dream about, why not! a Google Earth in real time with thousand of satellites sending us trillions of Gigabytes with videos of what's going on around the world...a real Big Brother where our perspective becomes literally global and concern about our planet, the Earth...a Google's Earth...?
Google Street view:
Google Street view is a technology featured by Google Maps and Google Earth, consisting in offering panoramic views of the streets of a number of cities worldwide. Currently mayor cities in Europe, North America, Australia, Japan and also some cities in the South of Asia have this feature available.
Google offers a very detail explanation about how the system works and it is probably best understood by saying that GSV is "the last zoom layer on the map" actually this is true, and it shows a citizen's scale view that really tells you where you are and what's around, dealing effectively with the usual misunderstanding of the aerial views for those who are not good at reading maps.
Google Street view is a powerful and useful tool to locate places by visual recognition, whether for business or personal purposes...however the debate about the lack of privacy (for instance, England's streets are covered by GSV in a 95%!) is also very vivid these days...however this is not the purpose of this post! However, allow me to post an interesting set of curious pics posted in Mashable regarding the potential intrusion of the cameras into our lives.
Regarding the business model, Google Street views improves the way customers can reach a place, for instance, Orbitz has recently reached an agreement with google to use google street view as an option to gather more information about the hotel selected and the area.
To finish today's blog, the following video shows in a funny way how Google Street View is done:
Today's songs, by Cocteau Twins (it was about time to post them!)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Microsoft or the Dark Side of the Force
It's not that I am a Star Wars superfan, but when I saw the 4x3m ad in the metro with Yoda making a campaign pro Mr. Bill Gates company latest's product, I really lost my faith in the Rebel Alliance! If Yoda also has a price and he has no problem to sign with the Dark Side of the Force...what's next?
Actually what bothers me the most is that campaigning for Internet Explorer 8 is like purchasing shares in the Death Star 1.0, the one that miserably exploded in the 1977 Star Wars movie...you know there's going to be another Death Star! There's no glamour at all in promoting the 8th version of a quite debatable navigator...!
As you may know by now, I don't like Microsoft (I don't even link to MSFT's page...see how BAD I am?) very much, but as many like me, i still use windows, which, to keep on track with Star Wars references, is like pretending to be a Jedi and having the robotized hand of Luke Skywalker...
And up to this point I wonder: why there are so many people somehow against Microsoft if Microsoft is not our boss who doesn't understand us, or the annoying professor who is always doing surprise-exams, or the mediocre politician trying to convince us that the economy is getting better...then, why so many people don't like Microsoft??
My humble opinion is that we actually apply the same criteria to Microsoft as to a government, probably realizing about how powerful it can be...this feeling of rejection is probably shared in what regards other big fishes of the business world...I have heard some crazy stories about Bill Gates, one of them as lunatic as saying that he is actually the Antichrist as you can see in this carefully detailed explanation. On the contrary, Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Inc. appears nowadays as a reference and a guru whether for geeks or, for instance, MBA students.
So, why we don't like Bill/Microsoft and we like Steve/Apple? I think the open source software has to do a lot in all this...and Mr. Bill doesn't want to let us know how Microsoft is run from inside...To put it in another words: I am ordering a steak with sauce but the chef wouldn't let me know what is the sauce made of...would you eat it? It seems that we actually eat it, but until when?
To corolate this post with Star Wars again, it seems that the Empire will not give us the code to switch off the Death Star's shield...but the Rebel Alliance may soon destroy the base and there will no longer exist any protection...unless Bill Gates hires Hans Solo for the future Internet Explorer 9...!
Today's songs...well, things go better with a little bit of razzamatazz...and a little bit of ELO too.
Friday, May 21, 2010
CK - leather belts
The first impression is that really those belts were made with real leather as per the undoubted smell of leather all over the place. The second one was that it was difficult to not to find a belt that you like in there. Whether due to my consumerist nature or a real need, i did buy also one, 14€, good cow leather and...made in Spain!!
The owner really seemed the person who knows the most about belts on Earth, and really seemed to like his job very much...
No doubt, if you need any kind of belt...your place is CK - Cinturones de Kuero!
Today I'd like to post a song that used to be the opening for one of my favourite radio programs ever "Viaje a los Sueños Polares" the second song gives name to the program, from a spanish band called Family who lasted just a few years and released only one album that some have considered as the most relevant of the last 20 years in Spain (Un soplo en el Corazón, 1993).
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Speed of life and zooms out
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Foursquare, what is it? How is its business model?
For a more accurate definition, this is what the webpage of Foursquare says: Foursquare is a cross between a friend-finder, a social city-guide and a game that rewards you for doing interesting things. We aim to build things to not only help you keep up with the places your friends go, but that encourage you to discover new places and challenge you to explore your neighborhood in new ways"
As every social network, you only start benefiting from its features once you dive deeper into it and become a relatively frequent user.
When this application become really useful -and potentially addictive- is when it's downloaded to your Blackberry or i-phone and the updates of your preferred places can be done in real time. Features like the "mayor" (you get points according to the number of times you visit a certain place, becoming a "mayor" of the place) are definitely useful tools to make it more and more essential for the night-lovers, gourmets, music, theater and cinema fans...and in general everyone who likes to enjoy the amazing entertainment offer that a city like Madrid (in this case) has everyday.
The business model
Foursquare is conceived, from the business point of view, to understand and recognize the customers' preferences in what regards to their entertainment. This information is provided to the managers of the business (restaurants, cafes, etc) so they can understand the needs of the end-user and keep their attention based on offers, discounts through coupons or special promotions, in order to gain loyalty from their clients or reach to new clients. As you can see in Mashable, there are several ways where Foursquare can benefit retailers, Hoteliers, Tourist offices and of course their users. The idea is to make the client feel special by using these tool, accesing to extra features: Wynn and Encore hotels in Las Vegas offers to Foursquare clients enjoy a glass of champagne at the luxurious Blush Boutique nightclub.
Rodolfo Carpintier Santana describes it in his blog the new social networks business' models such as Foursquare as the business of geolocalization, and Enrique Dans in his blog is foreseeing the exponential increasing levels of acceptance this tool is achieving based on a game-like component in order to complement its social and funtional features.
The use of Foursquare in Spain - other alternatives.
For the spanish readers, most of you probably don't know about Foursquare (i actually did only two weeks ago, although i have to admit that i have become a frequent user nowadays!) but you may have heard about Tooio, (pronounced "tuyo" which means "yours" in English) an alternative to Foursquare for spanish users, run in association with Idealista, one of the most respected webs in Real Estate searching in Spain. You can know more about Tooio here.
As this blog is about music although it will be used from time to time to submit my Information Systems' assignments, I am not going to disappoint my readers and here are today's selected songs (let's go Japanese today...) one of them is protected by BMG - Ariola so I can't get the embed code, however here's the link: Mecano - Japón (1984)
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
the Madrid's East - West axe
I was saying that this E-W axe is important for me and this is why: I spent almost 10 years of my life living with my parents in Cea Bermudez, 3´5 years working in km. 16 of Avenida de América and since last month being student again at IE business school in María de Molina for the coming year...and before all this i remember i attended to an English course the summer of 90 or so also in Cea Bermudez (is that 20 years ago already?)
My obvious question is: is there a next stop in my life along this axe? Probably not, but life is sometimes ironic and playful, so who knows...
Happily someone uploaded a very convenient for the occasion home made video, it's a song of The Radio Dept , which i love by the way, recording from the car all the way from María de Molina to the airport, all taking place from West to East, where the sun rises, in Madrid too. Here it goes.
My second song (for some reason i am uloading two instead of one in every post, must be my Catholic-Roman-Apostolic feeling of guiltyness for not writing in this blog everyday :P) is by The Divine Comedy. Enjoy them if you can
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Madrid me mata (Madrid kills me)
The following video is actually containing all this s"typical spanish" souvenirs in one of the most bizarre videoclips of the spanish "movida madrileña" song that i discovered just a few weeks ago when i couldn't imagine this could happen, considering myself a "master" of this music time frame.
The second video is absolutely random but i simply love the song...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Anyhow, today's song is an hommage to these songs which have had the misfortune to be released in the same album of a superhit...those songs that will never see the light in radio stations which play "classics from all times" .
This B-log is today for those B-songs, actually two, listen to them here because you will never listen to them anywhere else. B-lieve me.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Why a blog? Why now?
I have never published any blog or any web before in my life, and to tell you the truth I may have continued like this if I wouldn't have been "forced" to do it this morning...
For those who don´t know it, I am currently studying (yes, studying again after...when was that? 2002 when I finished my Masters in Architecture, my goodness, I'm getting old...), I am studying an MBA program at IE Business School , and what has this to do with writing a blog? Well, a have a subject called Information systems, whose professor, Enrique Dans encouraged us in a very enthusiastic way to start our own blog, so me, traditionally obedient with profs after 12 years at HH. Maristas School....BORING!!...nobody cares about where i studied (at least me I would never waste time knowing where an acquaintance studied...) I said i was going to upload a song everyda...as many days as possible, and this song is for you, anonymous reader, random, transient...bursting sometimes.
The night outside my balcony looks amazing...you better go out and grab some beers and f*ck the crisis (yes, in Spain we still speak about that, actually today we just reached 20% unemployment...) No, seriously, go for that beer, It can be even worst!
Stereolab - Ping pong (Mars Audiac Quintet, 1994)
And the 2x1 promotional campaign of this blog:
Stereolab - Miss Modular (Dots and loops, 1997)